
Quick Links … [NYACC BBS and Chat Room] [Membership] [Highlights of Past Meetings] [The Personal Computer Radio Show] [Trenton Computer Festival]


This year, 2025, marks the 50th Anniversary of the New York Amateur Computer Club.
Since 1975, we’ve been offering presentations, free and open to the public, on various topics pertaining to computer technology, from mundane to technical, from old to new.

As part of our celebration, we’re planning on having a hybrid meeting in June (where you can attend in-person, or access the meeting online via Zoom).

Stay tuned for further details!

NYACC General Meeting
Thursday, March 13th
at 7PM
(Join-in earlier at 6:45pm
for “Wellness Check Chatter”)

This meeting will be conducted online via Zoom

A free, open-source, point-and-click
database system for your small projects

Presented by
Brendan Kidwell
NYACC Board Member


Have you ever been frustrated with your spreadsheet program, fighting with cell formats when you just want to enter data, or not understanding how to link two spreadsheet tables to each other? Did you use Microsoft Access in the past, and don’t want to use it now because it hasn’t been updated in decades and doesn’t run on Linux?

In this presentation we’ll take a look at Grist, a “low-code” database product that anyone can use to organize hobby, home, or business work. We’ll cover:

  • What is a relational database and why would you want to use one?  
  • Differences between spreadsheets and relational databases.  
  • How to install Grist.  
  • What kinds of projects can be done in Grist, and when would you want to use a more advanced system instead?  
  • Building a solution with Grist: “my home media collection”

If you want to check it out before the presentation: See Grist’s web site (, the Documentation (, and download the all-in-one Desktop build of the application for your platform (

We’ll make the full script of the talk and the demo “my home media collection” database available for download to get you started with learning how Grist works in your own time after the presentation.

Date and Time:
Thursday, March 13th, at 7 PM (Eastern Time) via Zoom.

Please email
to receive details on accessing the Zoom meeting.

Please Note: Membership Dues for 2025
(For only $20, become a NYACC member
or renew your existing membership)

[Download Membership Form here]
  Please make check (for $20) payable to: New York Amateur Computer Club
  Please mail check (along with Membership Form) to: New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc.
Planetarium Station
P.O. Box 1026
New York, N.Y. 10024
  Important tip for online banking customers
If you can access your checking account online (through the bank’s website or using the bank’s official app), you may be able to pay your membership dues without having to write‑out and mail‑in a check.
Here’s how it works …
After signing-in to your account, go to the “Pay Bills” section. When prompted, enter the amount of the check and the payee’s name and mailing address. The bank will then print a check and mail it to the payee, at no extra cost.
Note: This feature may not be available at all banks, or may not be an unconditionally free service, so please review your bank’s Terms and Conditions carefully.

[Click HERE for Illustrated Instructions]

In the meantime,
please visit our new BBS and Live Chat Room …

New York Amateur Computer Club
BBS and Live Chat Room

Club member Brendan Kidwell has set up a Bulletin Board System (BBS) and a live chat room for the New York Amateur Computer Club.

The BBS is for discussions about everything the club might discuss in our general or special interest group meetings. Messages are arranged by topic and thread. Ask your computer questions and share your expertise and experiences here!
This is also a good place for setting up trades and selling used equipment that others might need.
This will also be used for text announcements and to help us stay in touch during the pandemic crisis.

The chat room allows us to text chat LIVE with each other as a group — whoever happens to be online in the chat room at any given moment.


Chat room:

Brendan will monitor and participate in both resources. If you have trouble accessing either system, please email Brendan directly at

New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc.
Planetarium Station
P.O. Box 1026
New York, N.Y. 10024

Click here to watch recordings of sessions
at the March 2022 Trenton Computer Festival

Click here to see Highlights of Past Meetings !!!

Related Articles in The WestView News
2021-01 Using Speech Recognition to Control Your Desktop and Programs
2020-07 Teaching English Online to Kids in China
2019-01 Why All the Robocalls?
2018-12 Holiday Shopping Online
2018-11 Do You Know Who Has Your Personal Data?
2018-10 Online Safety
2018-09 What do you do when you spill something on your keyboard?
Learning about your Computer

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month
NYACC is a Not for Profit Educational Corporation
